welcome To Bea Inspired - the Journal

For Creatives

May 25, 2020

The Creative’s Story | The Heart & History Of Why

Let’s Start At The Very Beginning

I found one of those sweet childhood what do you want to be when you grow up activities the other day while searching for a quarantine activity for Addie. And I started thinking about how interesting it is to watch our interests evolve over time. But what’s equally fascinating is to identify the commonalities that exist within the professions we are drawn to and the ways in which our experiences shape those.

If you asked 7 year old Danielle what she wanted to be when she grew up, I would have answered a second grade teacher. Even at 7 years old I dreamed of a classroom with the sweetest reading nook in a corner- because getting lost in a good book has always been a favorite pastime.

Over the years my response to what I wanted to be when I grew up has evolved but one consistent has been a facet of education and an appreciation for learning. I’ve always enjoyed sharing knowledge, discovering ways to help make processes more efficient, and subsequently watching others transform and thrive.

Problem + System = Results

Fast forward to graduate school in 2009 and then 8 subsequent years in a career in the healthcare setting, I began to identify two additional commonalities – a skill for creating efficient systems to solve problems and an earnest desire to balance motherhood with work in a way that aligns with the uncertainty that exists there. Let me explain.

Part of my early professional career required that I take a project – an idea – and create a system to make it happen – get results. Much of what I still do aligns this way. And problem solving/system creation is something that comes naturally to how I approach running a business. Its a process – full of trial and error. And you have to be willing to put something in place, and accepting of the fact that refinement is what is going to take you forward.


Reading and writing were always my favorite courses. And even to this day – give me a good book or 2 hours and I will get lost in the story or pouring my heart into a post – like this. However, at some point last year – quite possibly during those late night nursing session with Logan, I started thinking about how storytelling could be weaved into both marketing and design.  I’ve been interested in the stories – the message they hold, the legacy they leave, and the way we invite people into our own journey. Stories aren’t just based in the words we use – but rather encompass the imagery we use, the design elements we select, the timing of what we deliver, and so much more. Stories are complex but when done well stories are what captivate. And captivation converts.

They are our unique edge.The puzzle piece that sets us apart.  Enter The Creative’s Story.

The Creative’s Story | Your message. Your story. Your legacy

This membership community represents the intersection of the skills and interests that have driven me to today.

Balanced Motherhood. Storytelling. Efficient System Development. Laughter & Legacy. Purposefully Aligned Design. Simplified Strategy. Thriving Business.

These are the facets you will find within this group. These the aspects that drive the membership forward. These are the promises we make.

The membership is being built like a course – each week we will work tirelessly to release chapters aimed at providing you actionable advice on a specific topic. The goal is to take you from where you are today to exactly where you want to be tomorrow. After the program has been built – we will then start to focus on content specific areas like digital course development, email marketing strategies, vertical integration strategies, and many more areas (all with input from our Creative Story Community).

For a limited time, within the program you will have lifetime access to video lessons, a community of similar like-minded women, a monthly live strategy call and the opportunity to grow in ways that help your business thrive and give you the time to live the life you are chasing!

Interested In Learning More | Join Here Today 

And for one week only – May 25th 2020 – May 29th 2020 – I am offering a free 45 minute call with me to help you get started with your business audit and to help create a plan for working through the program. Two spots are already claimed – only 3 are left!


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