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For Couples

July 7, 2021

9 Budgeting Faux Pas (And How To Avoid Them!)

You’ve created a wedding budget for your dream day. 

You’ve had minimal instances of going over budget and overall you’re feeling great about the planning process.

Then… the little things start adding up. 

Stamps for 102 Save the Dates… a Bachelorette weekend in Charleston, SC… a Reception dress for the sparkling getaway… little by little the wedding budget you carefully created is going in the red. 

We’ve seen it happen to couples over the years, and it’s why here at YSDE we work hard to teach couples before the planning begins about those pesky “little” expenses that tend to be forgotten.  Today, I’ve put together a list of 9 Budgeting Faux Pas so you can create a budget NOW and avoid those unplanned for added expenses later.

1. Stamps 

Often we have couples forget about the expense of mailing out save the dates or invitations; at .55 cents per stamp, that’s a small expense that adds up quickly!! 

2. Sales Tax 

When factoring in contract fees, don’t forget sales tax! Depending on the state you’re in, the tax will vary but be sure to find out from your vendors what additional taxes are added on to the final invoice. 

3. Gratuity 

From tipping vendors on the day-of to adding gratuity to an overall bill, gratuity is often forgotten when it comes to budgeting. We’ve had a blog post here that outlines gratuity in more details to help you best prepare! 

4. Beauty Treatments 

Whether it’s treatments the week-of, day-of or months leading up the wedding (because of other wedding festivities you’d like to look & feel your best for), adding a line item  for beauty treatments will help you be prepared {or at least creates a little buffer for those important self care appointments!}. 

5. Bachelor & Bachelorette festivities

This will vary depending on what you and your significant other are doing to celebrate, but think about this before planning with your MOH / BM so that the celebration you’re planning doesn’t end up  bigger than the budget! 😉 

6. Marriage License

Just like sales tax, this one will vary depending on your state + local regulations; call your courthouse to learn more about what costs are associated in your area. 

7. Overtime costs 

Some venues allow for couples to add time at the end of the event if they would like to extend the fun on the night of the wedding {although this is not the case for all venues and vendors}!  Asking about overtime costs at your venue and with your vendors helps you anticipate a potential cost should you decide to keep the dancing going! 

8. Vendor meals 

Discuss this with your caterer upon booking so you understand in full what the cost of vendors meals will be; you can even ask for an average number of vendors meals to budget for (our suggestion is $35- $45 per vendor meal) so you stay ahead of the game. 

9. Welcome Gifts  

Welcome gifts are a great way to serve your guests by anticipating some of their needs for the weekend! (We love adding extra local-specific details, and couple-specific goodies to the bags!) Factor in your vision for the Welcome Gifts when budgeting so that what you plan for is allocated in the overall budget. 

Looking for more wedding budgeting guidance? We’ve created just the resource! The Modern Wedding Planner! We’ve taken our signature planning approach used with hundreds of clients and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step, results driven resource that empowers you with the tools, the strategy, the industry based secrets, and the assurance/confidence to make your dream wedding a reality! CLICK HERE to watch a lesson completely free, our gift to you!

9 Budgeting Faux Pas (And How To Avoid Them!) // Your Sweetest Day Events (relevant hashtags: #budgetingtips #budgeting #howtobudget #budgetingmistakes #weddingbudget #stickingtoyourweddingbudget)

  1. […] Looking for further advice on budgeting for your wedding day? Visit this post to read 9 Budget Faux Pas (And How to Avoid Them!)!  […]

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