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For Couples

September 8, 2021

Tipping Your Wedding Vendors: FAQ

How much should I tip my wedding vendors? And who should I tip?!


Tipping questions might be the more frequently asked question our team receives! That’s why we put together this Tipping FAQ blog post to help you navigate those questions. 


What vendors should I tip? We never tell couples to exclude vendors but rather to think about those who have walked through the experience with you and have subsequently provided service that has helped bring the event to life. Traditionally, tips are provided to vendors that are there for the duration of the event but we have seen many couples decide to tip their full vendor team. There is truthfully no right or wrong answer – it is up to you as the couple and should be solely based on the experience you’ve had with your vendors. 


How much should I tip? If you choose to tip your vendors, the monetary amount is highly variable. I see tips that range from $50 to a couple hundred per vendor. When determining how much to tip, consider the contracted amount with each vendor to see what feels like an appropriate “thank you”. 


How should I tip? When we work with our couples who choose to tip, we ask that they have all tips organized in sealed & labeled envelopes. We then distribute them to the appropriate vendor on the wedding day! You can also give them something before or after the wedding day. 


While tips are never expected, each time I’ve been asked by couples to distribute vendor tips the vendors are always incredibly appreciative. Vendors never expect them. However, it’s a generous way to remind your vendors how grateful you are for their dedication on your wedding day. 


Looking for further advice on budgeting for your wedding day? Visit this post to read 9 Budget Faux Pas (And How to Avoid Them!)! 


Looking for more wedding tips, tricks, advice, and guidance? We’ve created just the resource! The Modern Wedding Planner! We’ve taken our signature planning approach used with hundreds of clients and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step, results driven resource that empowers you with the tools, the strategy, the industry based secrets, and the assurance/confidence to make your dream wedding a reality! CLICK HERE to watch a lesson completely free, our gift to you!

Tipping Your Wedding Vendors: FAQ // Your Sweetest Day Events (relevant hashtags: #weddingplanning #vendor #weddingetiquette #weddingbudget)

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