Business? Hobby? Something In Between?
We’ve all been there. Writing our business stories – one chapter, one year, one month, some days one hour at a time.
But you my friend – you are building a life. One that yearns for a business:
with boundaries
with heart for creating impact
that breaths life into your family
But perhaps the path feels unclear. Muddy? Murky?
Mine did too. Until last fall, when I got clear on some very important things. More on that story later.
Today I want to share with you what is often missing from propelling a hobby to business and how to get started with a small shift in your marketing efforts that will help you build and market a desirable offer:
The idea of product/service-value alignment is fundamentally what sets a business apart from a hobby.
While hobbies are essential to a well-rounded life, running a business requires much more than simply describing what you sell and hoping it will bring in profit.
Yes there is more. In fact running a profitable business has many layers.
But the layers relate.
The layers work together.
The layers are often overcomplicated.
And I am in the business of simplifying.
Making things clear. Showing my community exactly how to build a business that breathes life into their family and their community.
Let’s do it then. Let’s get you started – no matter where you are in building your business – with peeling away the layers of a business that has everything you need to build a harmonious life you love while helping your community obtain the transformation they seek.
Selling a service requires you to align the value of your service with the needs, desires, or wants of those to whom you sell, your community.
It is this value-based alignment that helps you demonstrate to your community how you and your offer can take them from where they are to where they want to be. I can almost guarantee each of your community members is seeking out some sort of transformation.
So what exactly is a transformation?
Here are few quick examples based on business type:
Product-based business examples:
Service-based business examples:
Articulating the transformation your offer can provide is complex, but with the right tools and a plan, you can do just this. Communicating your offer’s transformational potential requires three essential facets:
Communicating a transformative experience requires you to be crystal clear on the value of your offer. This can be challenging for many business owners. We have a tendency to want to lead with the features of our offers. The features however don’t provide the fundamental details your community needs, wants, or desires. They are the tools but not the underlying value or transformation your offer promises.
You may feel overwhelmed by making a switch to leading with value but I can assure you it will change the way your community perceives your offer. And their perception is everything.
It creates more buzz about what you are doing.
It creates more sales.
It ultimately helps you create the impact you desire – both for your community and for yourself.
In an effort to do this, I’d like to encourage you to evaluate how you share your offer – product or service with your community using a tool we use in the Creative Story community called The Offer Roadmap.
If you’ve struggled with communicating the value your products/services provide to your community – this is exactly the perfect place to get started. This short guide will help you put together your Offer Roadmap today in less than 15 minutes!
Benefits and perceived value are what sell your services. The transformational potential of your offer helps a potential customer see how your product/service can map the way to their desirable outcome. And the features of your offer seal the deal {don’t worry, we will get to features later; they have an important role as well!}
Talking about your offer(s) from a place of value and transformational potential empowers you with the tools to help your community see how they would be the perfect tool to get them their desired outcome. Thus increasing your impact and the profitability of your business. And helping you build and market a desirable offer.
Looking for how to get started with this small but mighty reframing of your offer? Grab this one page guide today {FYI – its a cornerstone piece of our comprehensive Foundation Program inside the Creative Story, a unique program aimed to help women build a simplified business that is setup for success, impact, and growth by establishing a rock solid foundation so that their business and life can thrive.}
Doors are re-opening July 4th for a small group of highly motivated business women who desire to build a business and life they love and word on the street is that this guide gets your early/first access!