welcome To Bea Inspired - the Journal

For Creatives

November 23, 2020

A Focus On Renewal

We’ve heard it said over and over – this year has been hard.

A hard that has been experienced differently for each of us because of our own unique seasons of life + circumstances.

And yet despite our differences, I would like to believe we are all eager to move forward with a renewed + earnest desire to make 2021 all that we dreamed this year would be.

But with uncertainty still present, the path forward may feel equally uncertain.

What if we allowed our personal and professional successes to be guided and defined entirely by the power we give it and not by the uncontrollable circumstances of the world? 

A Focus On Renewal

I’ve often faced – as I am sure many of you have – situations and circumstances that extend far beyond our control. This can leave us frustrated and feeling powerless.

In moments like these our resilience is tested. Our adaptability is tested. Our passion is tested.

What if in these moments we choose to go back to the basics? What we know? To control what we can and let the rest go?

Would we feel more free?

Would we feel empowered?

Would we find more success?

I have to think that perhaps in times like these – when so many things exist beyond our control – that a renewed focus on the basics is something we can control.

And so back to the basics, I go. And I would love to invite you on this journey in the year ahead.

I won’t be waiting for January 1st. I won’t be waiting for 2021. I’ve found this year that small well thought out changes have a ripple effect.

A Plan For Moving Forward

There are things I can do now – many of which stem from an experiment I did in October and November. And the results were astounding. They shouldn’t have been but they were.

For that reason, I am ready to keep the momentum going into next month – because this will give me a leg up for the new year. And if there is one thing I’ve learned this year, getting a step ahead serves me well in my current season of running a business + balancing all the tasks I may have not had to before.

On Deck for December

Next month I am choosing to focus on a Renewal – diving deep into:

  • Business foundations
  • A newly adopted approach to goal setting
  • Continuing to cultivate life giving habits

These will be overarching themes for the blog under the DanieJco brand and the focus of a few great Instagram Lives I have scheduled with a few surprises along the way.

I made quite a few promises to myself last year – that were shifted out of necessity. I don’t mean to under value anything we’ve done this year in saying this. Because truthfully, I believe we survived some pretty dark days.

But I am ready – and eager to bring on the light in the days, weeks, and months ahead. I hope you will join me – I’d love to cultivate a truly remarkable community of women + mothers + business owners who have made the decision to rally to have their best most fruitful year yet.

Until then and for this week ahead – I hope you are able to surround yourself in gratitude for what you have today and prepare your heart for the good work that is to come.

And if you are looking to get started in advance of December – I’ve got a few great resources to get your momentum going in the DanieJco newsletter going out on Wednesday (11/25) at 12pm EST. Join the newsletter community below:


Happy Thanksgiving!

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