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For Couples

January 27, 2021

The YSDE Approach | An Overview

With 10+ years of experience in large scale project management, the approach we’ve developed at YSDE marries experience, purposefully aligned event planning strategy, and intentional design aimed at creating something more than just your everyday event.

We seek to make your planning experience as joy-filled and memorable as your wedding day.

We strive to walk with you, guide you, and empower you with tools to plan not any wedding but your wedding.

We walk with you to curate an experience that goes beyond just an event – one infused with your story – for you and for your guests.

It’s more than your everyday checklist and goes beyond completing a task and marching on to the next.

Our approach is experience driven because we desire to help our couples curate an experience that both they and their guests will fondly recall as one of the most


After being in the industry for six years, we’ve started to identify areas of traditional event planning that didn’t really fit the bill of how we wanted our couples to experience planning their wedding.

  • Outdated recommendations on timing of specific planning elements. 
  • Misconceptions about when you should do what task and how. 
  • And more importantly, a focus on creating an event instead of an experience. 

We felt there was a better way to plan a wedding. One that promises to give you a more cohesive design while also taking into account all the important big and small logistical details.


Enter our six phased approach to event planning – something we’ve spent the past six years perfecting (and truthfully consistently seek out ways to make it even better).

Our simple, yet comprehensive signature six phased approach is designed to help organize decisions. Allowing for:

  • critically time sensitive decisions to be made early in the process 
  • decisions to build upon each other in a way that encourages the planning process to naturally unfold in a seamless logical step by step process.  

The phases help to categorize planning decisions, into two distinct categories – logistical and design.

Breaking the event planning process up using these categories and phases helps to:

  • Organize + streamline your planning – ensuring all details are accounted for
  • Create a process that is anticipatory versus reactionary
  • Take the overwhelm and uncertainty out of the process 

Rather than simply grabbing any old checklist, this intentional approach allows your planning take place seamlessly, strategically, and without all the stress of knowing what to do when.



The logistical and design facets of event planning essentially operate side by side throughout the entire planning experience.

Often the tasks that are associated with each are tackled as part of one long to do list. Rather than segmenting out important decisions, we group them so they are ordered and approach them with confidence. All of which allows your decisions to lead you step by step by step – with each building on the next.

This is an anticipatory approach.

Each of the logistical and design based decisions rely on each other. Naturally building upon each decision but when tackled separately at first, you can create a planning experience that truly allows for a more stress free experience. 



Contrary to what many believe your event design does not drive the planning process. There are critical logistical elements that should be in place (like date, venue, guest count to name a few) well before design elements come into play.

In the YSDE approach – your preferences, your date, your budget, and your guest count are your guard rails. This is where the foundation – phase one –  of your event and the experience you seek to create is established.

From there, using the guides from your foundation, you develop some critical logistical pieces in phase two. After which you are now equipped with all the tools to start your design work. The design work then naturally leads into the production phase. After which work from each phase is seamlessly coordinated to ensure all details are finalized and your full vendor team is on the same page. Leading to the sixth and final phase where the orchestrated plan is executed to perfection.

Simple. Comprehensive. Strategic. Anticipatory.

Aimed at building an experience while elevating stress that can result from a disorganized reactionary approach.


In the months ahead, we will be sharing more details about each phase to highlight the strengths of an event planning approach that is streamlined, organized, and efficient.

And while we only take on a handful of full and partial planning events per calendar year, we wanted to empower as many couples as we could with a revolutionary approach to planning their dream wedding.

You can have access to the process we use with our couples today {and at a fraction of the cost}.

It’s why we spent the last year building one – using our signature planning approach that we use with our planning clients infused with years of experience, months of research, and everything you could ever need to plan your wedding.

As an answer to:

  • A need for a centralized tool to replace piecing together event planning resources
  • Saving forward thinking couples time by doing the research for them
  • Condense the planning guidance and infuse it with current recommendations + experience based knowledge + consistent support + upkeep
  • Allow the planning guidance of an event planning team be accessible to many instead of the few


We created the Modern Wedding Planner – a simplified step by step planning approach for all couples looking to successfully plan their wedding.

  • It’s simple yet comprehensive.
  • It’s affordable yet as if you hired a wedding planning team to walk with you.
  • It will radically change and thereby improve the way you approach and complete your wedding planning tasks.


Don’t delay get access today + plan your wedding with confidence, excitement and all the tools you need to get the job done!

  1. […] you won’t need to have all your stationary elements selected in the first phases of our recommended planning approach, knowing what decisions are ahead can be helpful when making early selections for things like: font […]

  2. […] the past, we’ve shared about the complete YSDE Approach to wedding planning. One aspect of our planning process that makes us unique is our Six Phase […]

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