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For Creatives

February 5, 2019

Identifying Your Why: How It Drives You and Your Business Forward

When was the last time you took a good hard look at the effectiveness of the essential features that define your business? Most specifically the elements that make up the foundation of your business. Things like:

  • your business plan
  • clarity on the problems your services/products solve for your clients
  • the ways in which you define your ideal client (and how you market to them)
  • your elevator pitch

That last one is usually a tricky one – right?

It can be hard to boil down your business and its heart in only a few short sentences. But identifying your why (and being able to effectively articulate it) is invaluable for driving your business forward – and essentially should be the cornerstone of every decision you make in and for your business. I might even go as far as to argue that it is one of those essential elements breaths the most life into your business’ past, present, and future.

The power of your why truly resides in its ability to ground your work. It gives direction, purpose, and serves as guidance when making both everyday and long term business decisions to maintain, scale or pivot. Your why breathes life into the work you do, fuels your passion, and ensures you are operating from a place that resonates with you and the clients you serve.

It challenges you – to remain steadfast in your approach.

It motivates you – to continuously strive for the goals – both you and it defines.

It is essentially the heartbeat of your business.

But how can you ensure you’ve identified a why that promises to serve you and your business? Because ultimately isnt this what we are seeking? Assurance that our business motivators are the driving force for defining what we do, how we do it, and the way in which we work towards our dreams.

Many will suggest that you keep your why simple. And while I certainly advocate for an uncomplicated approach to defining what motivates you and your business – my approach is slightly different.

Last fall I wrote a post that detailed steps on how plan for a fruitful and intentional year.  Some of the evaluation efforts included exploring the heart of what I do – a why that is rooted in both personal and professional factors. Today I am sharing with you what I discovered, why I believe this type of reflection and refinement is essential in influencing the direction and success of your business, and how you can walk through a similar evaluation process.

I’ve touched on a desire to build a business that fuels my life rather than consume it.  One that my children can speak to with admiration – for they understood the roles my business had in building life and legacy in our home, the boundaries that where implemented, and the work ethic their momma exemplified to make it happen.

I began to feel as if I was wandering. I had been on the new-business-hamster-wheel those first few years – trying to figure out all the things, be all the things, do all the things. And with a season of change on the horizon, I knew I needed some time for reflection and refinement. In order to support those big beautiful bold endeavors, I knew it was time to take a good hard look not only at how my business was operating but also from where.

So I started with my most important element – identifying my why and the factors that compel my business, passions, and purpose continuously forward. I had an inclination that by refining and realigning my why – my business, its direction and future, the scalability/profitability, and my overall joy with work would drastically change.

And boy was I right.

Rather than ONLY focusing on why I desire to assist couples with their wedding planning, I sought to refine what motivates me and the direction of my business using a multifaceted approach. One that is supported by four key areas that influence both my life and business simultaneously.

After much reflection, I defined four key areas that I believe influence a multifaceted why. These are factors that are so closely connected – you almost cannot have one without the other. This was exactly what I was seeking.

A why that connected my business and life because I wanted my business to fuel rather than consume my life.

The four key areas of a multifaceted why are:

  1. Purpose – the tip of the iceberg
  2. Livelihood – the financial component
  3. Legacy – the longterm impact
  4. Passion – the way in which your business sparks joy


It wasn’t until I realized that serving couples by assisting with their wedding planning was so much more than helping them strategically approach the planning process. That was only part of the iceberg for me. And that by changing my viewpoint to appreciate my time as my currency I could create a more strategic approach to my everyday. Because I dreamed of  creating a legacy that my children’s children could speak fondly of, a new appreciation for my business and its future was made clear.

Eager to learn how you take a few moments today to evaluate your business foundation and work towards identifying your why. And not just any why, but rather one that aligns itself with purpose, livelihood, legacy, and passion? Then do not miss the opportunity to gain access to a freebie that promises to walk you through the steps I took to breath new life into my business – by joining the DJco community today.

In this freebie you will see the exact steps I used to refine and define my multifaceted why and how this new found clarity for decisions I will make moving forward.

Early next week I will be releasing to the DJco community a freebie on Automation followed by a 4 additional educationally based newsletter with 3 additional freebies: (Your Multifaceted Why, The Business Efficiency Audit, and Your Guide to a Strategic and Systematic Approach To Your Everyday).

Over the next three weeks I will be posting here on the journal some of the insight I’ve gained from working  through these business break throughs myself. But only the DJco community will have access to the full educational content offered and the associated freebie – so be sure to join the community today!


All images via Pat Robinson Photography – featuring a 2018 Winter wedding that I cannot wait to share all the design details with you soon! It was the dreamiest!


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